Assalamu'alaikum....Hey guys!! Good Evening!! I had just finished drink some tea just now...#Yummy so delicious... (: And how's your day today? Ok it's enough,I don't want to tell about food but I wanna tell an incident that happened to me in this day at 03:00 am-05:00 am ..Wow, so shocked 'cause at the time I was sleeping not only me but all my family was sleeping too...The strange call called me to my own number phone!! #Weird.. When I picked up my phone to answer the call and then I saw the number and I shocked 'cause the number phone that called me very weird and I never seen it before..Besides,The stranger number phone was very long than my country number (my country number just only 10 or 11 digits but the stranger number is 15 digits).At the times,I was thinking with myself to answer it or not...I'm afraid 'cause I didn't know who will I talk if I answered the call...So, I made decision to not answer the call because my sister,my mom and my dad had said to me when someone calling you but you don't know who is her/him.... So,I not answered the call...But the stranger still bothered me with his/her call ... So, I suggest to myself to deactivate my phone... After that,I can sleep again with peaceful without sound from phone cell anymore.... But when activate my phone , there were many missed calls from the stranger call....#Scare So,I deleted his/her number from my phone..Hope soon hie/her will not call me agin #Wish
Ok ... the story will end here....See on the next story